
Can Spinal Cord Ependymoma be Cured?

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Can Spinal Cord Ependymoma be Cured?
Definition: Spinal cord ependymoma is a type of tumor that originates from the ependymal cells in the spinal cord.

Occurrence: Spinal cord ependymomas are relatively rare, accounting for approximately 40-60% of all spinal cord tumors in adults and about 20-30% in children.

Prognosis: The prognosis for spinal cord ependymoma depends on various factors, including tumor location, size, grade, and patient age.

Treatment Options for Spinal Cord Ependymoma

Surgery: The primary treatment for spinal cord ependymoma is surgical removal of the tumor whenever feasible. Complete surgical resection is associated with better outcomes and higher chances of cure.

Radiation Therapy: Radiation therapy may be used before or after surgery to treat spinal cord ependymomas that cannot be completely removed, or to target any remaining tumor cells. It is often an important part of the treatment plan.

Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy has limited effectiveness in curing spinal cord ependymomas and is typically not the primary treatment option. However, it may be considered in some cases, particularly for high-grade or recurrent tumors.

Prognosis for Spinal Cord Ependymoma

Grade and Resectability: Grade I ependymomas are typically considered benign and have a favorable prognosis with a high chance of cure, especially when completely resected. Grade II ependymomas have a variable prognosis, and complete surgical resection is associated with better outcomes. Grade III ependymomas are considered malignant and have a lower chance of cure.

Location: The location of the spinal cord ependymoma also impacts prognosis, with some locations being more challenging to treat due to their proximity to critical structures in the spinal cord. 

Age: Prognosis may also vary depending on the age of the patient, with better outcomes seen in pediatric patients compared to adults.

Follow-Up and Monitoring

Follow-Up Care: Regular follow-up appointments with a healthcare provider are important for spinal cord ependymoma patients to monitor for any signs of recurrence or complications. 

Imaging and Neurological Examinations: Follow-up appointments may include imaging tests such as MRI or CT scans, as well as neurological examinations to assess the tumor’s status and the patient’s overall well-being. 

Rehabilitation: Rehabilitation and supportive care may be needed for some spinal cord ependymoma patients, particularly those who experience neurological deficits or functional limitations as a result of the tumor or its treatment.


Spinal cord ependymoma can be cured in some cases, particularly when diagnosed early and treated with a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy as appropriate. 

Prognosis depends on various factors, including tumor grade, location, resectability, and patient age. 

Regular follow-up and monitoring are essential for detecting any signs of recurrence or complications. 

It’s important to work closely with a qualified healthcare team to develop an individualized treatment plan and receive appropriate follow-up care.

Medical Disclaimer

It’s crucial to consult a qualified healthcare professional for accurate diagnosis, treatment, and management of spinal cord ependymoma or any other medical condition. This PowerPoint presentation provides a general overview and should not be considered as medical advice.

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What are the types of Spondylolisthesis?

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Spondylolisthesis can be a serious condition depending on its type and cause. The slipping of the vertebra on the other one can cause serious complications. The severity of the condition and the treatment plan can only be determined by the early diagnosis and by identifying the actual cause and type. In some cases, it can be treated without surgery but surgical intervention is required too in various cases.

Here in this article, India’s best neurosurgeon Dr. Kalyan Bommakanti has explained various types of Spondylolisthesis for a better understanding of the condition.

Spondylolisthesis can be classified into various types depending on its etiology described as follows:

1.Congenital Spondylolisthesis:

    Congenital refers to something that is present by birth. In this condition, the spine of the baby is premature i.e. not formed properly in the womb resulting in a misaligned and unstable spinal structure. This will lead to the slipping of the vertebra in the future.

    2.Degenerative Spondylolisthesis:

    Aging is the most common type of this. Degenerative causes occur with time, causing a decrease in the water content of the vertebral discs. This thinning leads to a higher chance of slipping of the vertebra.

    3.Isthmic Spondylolisthesis:

    Spondylosis is also a common cause of this. The stress fracture of pars interarticularis results in instability of the vertebra hence leading to slipping of it. The type of Spondylolisthesis caused by Spondylosis is called isthmic Spondylolisthesis. Its cause is not exactly known but may be due to excessive stress put on the spine during sports etc.

    4.Pathological Spondylolisthesis:

    It is caused by any pathological condition in the body such as a bone disease.

    5.Traumatic Spondylolisthesis:

    This is caused by any injury or trauma.

    6.Post-surgical Spondylolisthesis:

    During spinal surgery, the vertebra slips out resulting in post-surgical Spondylolisthesis.  

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    Health Sciatica and key hole spine surgery Surgical Procedures

    What is Spondylolisthesis?

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    The word Spondylolisthesis originated from the Greek words spondylos meaning spine or vertebra and listhesis meaning slipping or movement. This slipping of the vertebra causes spinal instability. The vertebra moves out of its place more than it does normally. It causes low back pain that can be severe or moderate depending on the condition.

    An overview of Spondylolisthesis is explained in this article by India’s best spine surgeon Dr. Kalyan Bommakanti.

    Spondylolisthesis can be a very painful condition depending on the cause and the severity. A vertebra slips out of its place more than usual affecting mainly the one vertebra that is beneath it. Spondylolisthesis can be graded by Meyerding Classification which tells the degree of slippage of the vertebra. It can be caused by spondylosis or any degenerative condition. Adults and especially female and obese are found more prone to this. The facet joints grow posteriorly causing instability of the vertebra. This instability leads to the slipping of the vertebra over the underneath one. It occurs mostly in the lumbar spine.

    When the vertebra slips over the other vertebra, it puts pressure on it hence it also causes narrowing of the spinal canal. The pressure exerted on the spinal canal causes impingement of the nerves passing through it. This compression or pinching may lead to low back pain or leg pain. It can cause several symptoms such as low back pain, muscle stiffness, pain radiating to the legs, buttock pain, and hamstrings tightness which can lead to difficulty in walking. The symptoms may aggravate upon activity.

    As this condition is quite painful, it can be treated in therapeutic or surgical ways. Precautions and exercise can also help in acute cases. If it is not diagnosed and treated on time, it may cause some serious complications such as sensational loss or loss of bladder or bowel movement.

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    Health Surgical Procedures

    What is the prognosis of Brain Tumors?

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    Brain tumors can be life-threatening depending on the circumstances of the individual. These tumors are uncontrolled and abnormal growth of brain tissues within the brain or in the lining of the brain. The important key point to be considered here is to choose a group of health specialists who are the best in the field and you can trust them completely. Treatment without patient compliance will not show as many benefits as it should. The survival rate cannot be determined by just looking at the type and grade of the tumor. The way in which a tumor affects the body varies from person to person. We cannot suggest a good prognosis if the tumor is benign. In some people, even malignant tumors are treated successfully and benign can be fatal. This trend varies among individuals as the circumstances vary according to their needs and demands. A treatment plan that resulted in good results in one person might not be the same in another individual having the same condition.

    The outlook and prognosis may vary as a patient goes through certain treatments. Which treatment is being given and how the body is reacting to it determines whether the prognosis is good or not. No matter how good the prognosis is and how well the treatment goes, there are still chances of the tumor recurring. In that case, you need to again start the treatment as per the need.

    The factors that determine whether the prognosis will be good or not are listed below by India’s best neurosurgeon Dr. Kalyan Bommakanti as follows:

    • Patient’s general health status.
    • Age.
    • Gender.
    • Type of the tumor (Benign or malignant).
    • Location and size.
    • The onset of symptoms.
    • The effect on the functioning of the brain.
    • Treatment options available.
    • Grade of the tumor.

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    Can we prevent Brain Tumors?

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    Brain tumors are a common type of tumor found in the body. These tumors result from uncontrolled and abnormal growth of the brain tissue affecting a specific part of the brain and its functioning. Neurological problems are a common outcome of brain tumors. Some brain tumors may be present without showing any symptoms. Brain tumors can be genetic or can occur from other various factors. If you have a history of cancer in your family, you should discuss it with your healthcare professional and should take some important preventive measures beforehand. Brain tumors cannot be prevented completely, only their chances of occurrence can be reduced.

    Here are some of the important steps you need to take if you want to lower the risk of a brain tumor explained briefly by India’s best neurosurgeon Dr. Kalyan Bommakanti:

    • Avoid alcohol consumption as much as you can. As it can seriously affect your health and impair your immune system. Having alcohol regularly can increase the incidence of developing brain tumors. This consumption also varies among gender, as men should not consume more than 2 drinks a day while women should limit their alcohol consumption to one glass per day.
    • Limit smoking habits. Smoking is very dangerous for health and is a leading cause of causing cancer in individuals who smoke on a regular basis. Not only active smoking but passive smoking can be as risky too.
    • Regular exercise is key to living a healthy and happy life.  It decreases the prevalence of various health problems including cancer too.
    • A balanced diet can fight everything that is going to negatively impact the functioning of the body. Your body is what you eat. If eating junk and fast food is your way of living, then forget about the immunity you need to fight certain health battles for your own body. Processed food should be avoided as much as possible.
    • Obesity is a leading cause of almost all the health problems that can occur in the body. Staying active, and eating clean can help you maintain a healthy weight.
    • Sunscreen should be made an everyday essential. Protecting your skin from the radiation coming from the sun is very important to avoid the chances of developing skin cancer.
    • Getting genetic counseling as per need.
    • Regular screening and checkups must be followed religiously.

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    Health Surgical Procedures

    What are the grades of Brain Tumors?

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    Brain tumors are abnormal and uncontrolled growth of brain tissue. They may occur inside any lobe of the brain or in the lining of the brain. These tumors can be fatal depending on their severity and the patient’s health. Brain tumors may be of two types i.e. primary (benign/non-cancerous) or secondary (malignant /cancerous). To precisely diagnose and prepare a treatment plan, doctors need to classify these tumors into various grades. These grades are discussed here in this article by India’s best neurosurgeon Dr. Kalyan Bommakanti.

    The brain tumor grading system determines the severity of the tumor. A biopsy is done and then the tissue is examined under a microscope. The grading indicates the severity and the growth rate of the tumor. These grades range from 1-4 indicating 1 as the least severe and 4 as the most severe.

    Grade 1:                   

    Grade 1 tumors are the least aggressive in nature and have the relatively least fatality rate. These tumors are benign, slow growing, and non-cancerous in nature. The symptoms are mostly not very serious. The prognosis is usually good and there are good chances of long-term survival. Under a microscopic investigation, the anatomy and the structure of the cells don’t seem to be disrupted. Grade 1 tumors are common in children and younger adults.

    Grade 2:

    These tumors are slightly more aggressive than grade 1 tumors. They also grow at a slow rate but tend to metastasize. These tumors can spread to some other parts of the brain. Under a microscopic investigation, the structure of the cells seems to be slightly altered. These tumors can be recurrent and can come back with a higher grade than before. The prognosis is not as good as in grade 1.

    Grade 3:

    When the tumor is at stage 3, it is very active in nature and continues to produce abnormal cells which are cancerous in nature. These tumors are malignant and can metastasize to other parts of the brain, and recur with a higher grade and intensity. These too under the microscope present abnormal cells.

    Grade 4:

    This is the most aggressive stage of the tumor. It grows at a very fast speed and is very severe in nature. The cells multiply at a high rate and create new blood vessel networks to facilitate their growth. The cells look abnormal under the microscopic investigation. These tumors show necrotic areas inside them.

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