
Fitness Trends Over 50 You Should Follow

Fitness trends deserve a little skepticism.

Besides, it’s easy to find companies that promise miracle results by showing super-fit people using their product for minutes a day. Just because something gets attention doesn’t mean it works.

Yet that doesn’t mean you should exercise the same way you did 30 years ago.

With the science of exercise having advanced over the decades, people over 50 will achieve better results and have a more enjoyable exercise experience by utilizing some of the newer trends in fitness.

1. Wearables can help you monitor your health and fitness

If you look at any list of fitness trends, wearables will likely be at the top. For those unfamiliar with the term, wearables refer to any device that tracks your activities, such as a smartwatch, Fitbit tracker, heart-rate monitors and others.

Fitness tracking devices are expected to grow much more rapidly than other health-related devices.The ability to monitor your sleep and heart rate is already available on many devices, but some are predicting that it’s just the start, with blood pressure and illness tracking to follow in the years to come.

Nowadays, the technology is quite impressive, and it can make a huge difference in maintaining your fitness regime. Being able to track your workouts accurately can be motivating, and the costs have decreased significantly.Wearables can provide all kinds of valuable data as well as online coaching and other resources to help you create an exercise plan for less than $100.


Due to the limited options indoors in 2020, it is not surprising that people spent more time exercising outdoors. However, it turns out many people actually liked the change.

According to one study, almost 40 percent of people surveyed planned to give up gym memberships and focus on exercising at home or outdoors instead.Many people decided to leave the gym because they realized there are a number of resources nearby such as bike trails, sports courts, and hiking trails.

If you’re exercising with a group, outdoor exercise provides a social outlet as well as a way of getting exercise outside rather than on a treadmill or stationary bike.Running groups and tennis clubs provide you with the chance to meet like-minded individuals and motivate you to work out.You don’t have to choose between indoor or outdoor workouts: You can mix them up as you please.


As the year comes to a close, many people are looking for help getting back on track. Since 2020 has been a year with a more sedentary vibe, people are seeking the help of experts.There has been an increase in demand for personal trainers and nutritionists in recent years. Even if you are already exercising, a trainer can help set specific goals, recommend training plans, and motivate you.


It’s hard not to notice an increasing number of classes focusing on flexibility, such as yoga, Pilates, and Tai Chi.As we age, we lose flexibility as well. Thankfully, like with muscle loss, you can slow the loss.Running and cycling are examples of repetitive exercises that may lead to overuse injuries. A flexible body can help prevent these injuries.

Beginner classes are welcoming to everyone, and you can make a big difference even if many of the moves seem impossible.

If you exercise at home, you may want to invest in inexpensive resistance bands, as they can help you increase your mobility and engage muscles that are otherwise inactive.


Does energy drink have any health benefits?

Energy Drinks – what are they?

They are marketed to increase energy, weight loss, stamina, athletic performance, promote wakefulness, and enhance weight loss. Energy drinks contain caffeine, taurine, vitamins, and herbal supplements in addition to sugar or sweeteners.

Although they may seem like a new fad, these drinks have been available to the public for some time. For instance, Red Bull (currently one of the most popular energy drinks) was introduced in Austria in 1987 and to the United States in 1997.The original coca leaf (from which cocaine is derived) and kola nut (from which caffeine is derived) form of cola soft drinks was available in 1886, with similar results to energy drinks at the time.

There are many energy drinks that are packed full of caffeine, taurine, l-carnitine, carbohydrates, glucuronolactone, vitamins, and herbal supplements, such as ginseng and guarana.

It is not required that manufacturers of energy drinks include the caffeine content of herbal supplements such as guarana, yerba mate, cocoa, and kola nuts in the nutritional information, so consumers are unaware of this aspect.There are different brands of energy drinks that contain caffeine ranging from 50mg to 550mg per can or bottle

In high doses, caffeine may cause abnormal stimulation of the nervous system, and is one of the most commonly consumed alkaloids worldwide in the form of coffee, tea, and soft drinks.

Energy drinks contain caffeine, which can have adverse effects on the cardiovascular, hematological, and gastrointestinal systems. Many contain 70 to 80 mg of caffeine per 8-ounce serving (*3 times more than in cola drinks).It is possible for the caffeine content of 16-ounce drinks to be nearly five times that of 8 oz of cola drinks when packaged as “energy shots” (0.8-3 oz) or as 16-oz drinks

There are now 11 percent of energy drinks sold in the U.S. that are energy shots, a type of energy drink. Energy shots are the fastest-growing segment of the energy drink market.Most energy drinks come in 12 and 16 ounce (355 and 474 ml) cans or bottles, whereas energy shots come in smaller 50 ml bottles. Both energy drinks and energy shots contain the same amount of caffeine, however, energy shots tend to contain more sugar.


Does sparkling water have any negative health effects?

Discover the truth behind the fizz.

You might turn to sparkling water – the fizzy, sugar-free alternative to soda and sports drinks. Sports drinks, iced teas, and juices are loaded with sugar or artificial sweeteners.

Whether it’s low-calorie seltzers, antioxidant-infused seltzers or even those that taste like soda, these bubbly drinks can be hard to resist. But are they really healthy?

How does sparkling water work?

Carbon dioxide is added to regular water to make sparkling water. Adding sodium carbonate to water helps water absorb CO2, hence the name “soda water.”

You can drink seltzer if you like the taste and fizz of soda but don’t want the calories. It’s helped many people cut sugar from their diets. But remember, there are such things as “too much of a good thing.”

When does seltzer become harmful?

The process of adding carbon dioxide to water creates carbonic acid, which lowers the pH level and makes the drink more acidic. It is likely to erode your teeth’s enamel over time if you drink a lot of sparkling water.

A sparkling water can also contain citric acid, which can further increase its acidity and lower its pH level. Some sparkling waters also contain carbonic acid for flavor.

The combination of carbonation and sugar in seltzer water can cause dental decay. You’ll want to avoid seltzer that contains sugars to prevent dental decay, says Dr. Guerrier.

Tip: If you love lemon or lime flavor but want to protect your teeth, try adding a slice of lemon or lime to plain seltzer water. It’s a less acidic way to add a little taste to plain water.

It is important to remember that not all clear, fizzy drinks are created equal. Some drinks that look like seltzer and claim “zero calories” actually contain artificial sweeteners, so check the labels to find the healthiest alternative.


The snore should not be ignored.

Sleeping with a snorer may leave you awake counting sheep

(or fiddling for earplugs). But they aren’t consciously snoring, and it could be a sign of something else.

Most people who snore have obstructive sleep apnea, a medical condition that occurs when the airway at the back of the throat becomes physically blocked.Geisinger otolaryngologist Kevin Stavrides, MD, says breathing can stop for a minute, leading to gasping, snorting, and waking the sleeper.

Carrying a few extra pounds is the most common cause, but heavy smoking, drinking and using sedatives can also contribute to sleep apnea. One of the best ways to avoid sleep apnea is to sleep on your side instead of your back.

In many cases, lifestyle changes can solve the problem, says Dr. Stavrides. If snoring persists, your doctor will likely order a sleep study.

Your doctor may prescribe a continuous positive airway pressure machine (CPAP) or a bi-level positive airway pressure machine (BiPAP) if you have sleep apnea.You wear this mask to bed to keep your airways open while you sleep.

If you have mild sleep apnea triggered by anatomical factors, you may also benefit from a mouthpiece that holds your tongue and jaw in place.

Others may benefit from an implantable hypoglossal nerve stimulator. “The device stimulates your neck before bed to allow your airways to open up,”

A sleep surgeon will determine if surgery is right for you if you need to remove tissue and expand your airway.

Sleep apnea is usually asymptomatic until someone (gently) points it out. After all, most people with it are the ones snoring away.

It will be a win-win for you and them, as you will both sleep better once it’s corrected.


Booster shots for COVID: what to look for

Plus, know the difference between a booster shot and a third dose.

In addition to getting vaccinated against COVID, you may have questions. Do you need a booster shot? What is the difference between a booster shot and a third dose?

See how you can protect yourself against COVID-19.

What is the difference between a booster shot and a third dose?

As with the third dose of the vaccine, a booster shot provides additional protection against a virus as well.A third dose is given to people who have moderate to severe immunosuppression and whose immune systems may not have developed enough protection after receiving the first two doses.

Booster shots, on the other hand, are recommended for people with sufficient immunity, but whose immune system has gradually declined with age.

The third dose should not be given to people before 28 days after their second dose, and it should be from the same series as the first and second doses, says Dr. Stanley Martin, infectious diseases specialist at Geisinger.

The booster shot should be given at least six months after the second dose of the COVID vaccine from Pfizer or Moderna.

Is a third dose available to everyone?

People over 12 who are moderately to severely immunocompromised can receive a third dose of the Pfizer or Moderna COVID vaccine. This includes those who have received the full two-doses and have:

  • Been receiving active cancer treatment for tumors or cancers of the blood
  • Received an organ transplant and are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
  • Received a stem cell transplant within the last 2 years or are taking medicine to suppress the immune system
  • Moderate or severe primary immunodeficiency (such as DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome)
  • Advanced or untreated HIV infection
  • Active treatment with high-dose steroids or other drugs that may suppress the immune response

Booster shots are available to anyone who needs them.

Individuals who have received two doses of either the Moderna COVID vaccine or the Pfizer vaccine at least six months ago are eligible for booster shots.After receiving a single dose of the Johnson & Johnson COVID vaccine, recipients are also eligible for a booster shot at least two months later.The third dose of a COVID vaccine may also be given to people with moderate or severe immunosuppression age 18 and older,

In what way should I schedule my third or booster dose?

Your third dose or booster shot at Geisinger is still available if you received your first two doses at another location. Simply bring your vaccine card to your appointment.

“It is important to get your third dose to help protect you against COVID-19 and its variants,” Dr. Martin says. “We are starting to see omicron spread across the U.S.This variant is becoming increasingly obvious to us, and these boosters may be able to protect us.”

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