Recovery from lumbar decompression surgery depends on your fitness and activity level before the operation, which is why a course of physiotherapy before the operation may be recommended.
The day after surgery, you will be encouraged to walk and move around, and it is likely that you will be discharged one to four days after that.

If you have a severe condition and symptoms prior to the operation, you will need 4 to 6 weeks to reach your expected level of mobility and function.
You will probably find that you are attached to at least one tube when you wake up after lumbar decompression surgery.
These may include:
- Intravenous drips are used to ensure you do not become dehydrated by supplying you with fluids
- Fluid can be drained from a wound with a drain
- In the event you have difficulty urinating, a thin, flexible tube is inserted into your bladder (urinary catheter).
- The pump delivers painkillers directly into your veins
The tubes are usually only attached for a short time after your operation.

The day after surgery, you will have some pain in and around where the operation was performed. You’ll be given pain relievers to ensure you’re comfortable and to assist you as you recover. You should tell your doctor and nurse if you don’t feel better immediately after surgery.
It is possible that a few people have difficulty urinating after the operation. This is usually temporary, but in rare cases complications, such as nerve damage, can cause the legs or bladder not to work properly. Tell your doctor and nurse right away if this happens.
You may need up to six weeks to recover fully from general pain and fatigue after your operation.
Any cuts and incisions made during your surgery will be stitched or stapled closed. Deep stitches beneath the skin will dissolve and don’t need to be removed. If dissolvable stitches are used, they do not need to be removed.
Stitches and staples that are not dissolvable will be removed within five to ten days of your operation. Before you leave hospital, an appointment will be scheduled for their removal.
After having your stitches removed, you will not need a dressing and can shower and bathe as usual. Use care not to get your dressing wet when you wash.
Getting home
Your recovery depends on the type of surgery you had and how well you are doing. You should be able to go home about 1 to 4 days after your operation.
After surgery, it’s important to take it easy at first and gradually increase your level of activity each day. You may need some support at home for the first week afterward.
You should stay active to speed up your recovery. Do the exercises recommended by your physiotherapist, and avoid sitting or standing in the same position for more than 15-20 minutes at a time, since that can cause stiffness and soreness.
In terms of how soon you can return to work after surgery, it depends on your recovery rate and what type of job you have.
If your job isn’t too strenuous, you may be back on the job after 4 to 6 weeks. If your job involves a lot of driving, heavy lifting, or other strenuous activities, you may have to take 12 weeks off.
Dr.Kalyan Bommkanti is one of the best neurosurgeons in hyderabad and is also one of the best
spine surgeons in hyderabad. He received training in endoscopic spine surgeries, also known
as key hole spine surgery or minimally invasive spine surgery. He has experience in treating a
number of complicated brain surgeries, complicated spine surgeries like complex brain tumors,
complex spine tumors, complicated spine fractures, complicated head injuries. He has an
extensive experience in teaching junior doctors.
He consults and operates at: (For appointment WhatsApp on 8520003683)
Global Gleneagles hospital,Lakdikapul, Hyderabad.
Aware Global Gleneagles hospital, L.B. Nagar, Bairamulguda, Hyderabad.
Kalyan’s Neuro and Spine clinic, Kharkhana, Secunderabad.
Shenoy hospital, East Marredpally, Hyderabad.
Prasad Hospitals, Nacharam, Hyderabad.
Brain tumor clinics
For appointment see details below (+91-8520003683). Brain tumors are serious disorders and
should be treated as soon as possible. Many patients have a lot of doubts and queries
regarding brain tumors, symptoms of brain tumors, diagnosis of brain tumor, surgery for brain
tumor, treatment options for brain tumors. Patients also like to know regarding latest and
advanced treatment options for brain tumor surgery like intraoperative neuromonitoring, awake
craniotomy, ultrasonic aspirator, microsurgery, endoscopic surgery for brain tumors. Dr. Kalyan
Bommakanti is a famous neurosurgeon from hyderabad and will try to answer these queries at
leisure as a part of brain tumor clinics on you tube live
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