Sciatica is a term that refers to the compression or inflammation of the sciatic nerve in the lumbar spine. It may cause pain or numbness in the areas where it passes through. The nerve passes along a pathway through the buttocks, legs, and feet. Usually, it affects one side of the body but it may be bilateral as well.
In the past, bed rest was thought to be effective, but nowadays patients are advised to be more active. Usually doctors advise walking after a brief period of bed rest and anti-inflammatory medications. Walking is believed to be very helpful in relieving sciatic pain, however, its effectiveness depends on the cause and severity of the pain. Posture correction is compulsory because walking while exhibiting a poor posture can worsen the pain. Walking aids in relieving pain as long as it is not aggravating the symptoms.
Walking is proved to be therapeutic as it stimulates hormonal changes such as the release of endorphins that decreases the inflammatory process. It relieves pressure on the affected area and improves the blood flow to that area. It may also increase muscle power, strength, and flexibility. Walking helps in preventing the atrophy of muscles and loss of power and range of motion.
The prognosis of sciatica is good enough. To reduce the symptoms, one must understand and learn how to walk properly to maximize its benefits. A good posture will not only help in managing the pain and discomfort but also in the correction of proper biomechanics as well. Walking without a good posture is useless, the person must follow a scheduled plan and techniques prescribed by the doctor.
In order to start any regime, you must consult with your doctor or physical therapist first. They will help you find a plan that is suitable and appropriate according to your condition and symptoms. When to walk, how much time and intensity? These are all the various queries you may need to discuss with your doctor.
Sciatica is a term used to describe pain caused by the irritation or compression of the sciatic nerve, resulting in pain or numbness along the pathway of the sciatic nerve. The most common cause of sciatica is disc herniation in the lumbar spine, causing pinching and inflammation of the nerve. It may also be caused by spinal stenosis, bone spurs, facet arthritis, or any injury or trauma. This irritation can cause pain and numbness in the lower back, buttocks, or legs. Usually, it affects only one leg but can occur in both as well.
Sciatic pain usually lasts a few weeks depending on the underlying cause. Acute sciatica commonly resolves within 3-4 weeks. But if left untreated acute sciatica can convert into chronic and it may last for a long time. The pain experienced in the acute stage is sharp and stabbing while in the chronic stage it is less severe. The duration may last longer depending on the intensity and the level of injury. It also depends upon the time of diagnosis and early treatment. The earlier it is diagnosed and treated, the lesser will be the symptoms and impairment. Hence the greater and more effective will be the results.
Some people confuse it with usual low back pain if it is only localized there, resulting in delayed recovery and mismanagement. The pain may be present in only one part or all along the pathway. Pain and numbness may be felt together, or in some cases, pain is felt in one area and numbness in the other. If the symptoms last for a long time, it is advised to seek medical help as soon as possible. In severe cases, there may be loss of bowel or bladder control, it is considered a medical emergency, and professional help is given to prevent any further loss or damage.
Sciatica refers to the pain caused by the compression or irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve is the longest in the body and it passes through the lower back, buttocks, and down each leg. It usually occurs in only one leg but it may be bilateral. Sciatica is mostly caused by a herniated disc in the lumbar spine. The disc bulges out and compresses the sciatic nerve resulting in pain and sensory impairments in the affected area.
Sciatica can cause inflammation, pain, or sensory loss in the affected part. The pain of sciatica can be felt in a single region but usually, it follows a pathway radiating from the lower back then passing through the buttocks and proceeding to the posterior aspect of the thigh and calf. The sciatic pain tends to be more severe in the leg area. The nature of the pain may be sharp, shooting, or burning and the intensity varies according to the level of impairment. Prolonged sitting, standing, or coughing may also aggravate the pain. The pain is maybe intermittent or constant.
The sciatic nerve also supplies various muscles in the lower leg and controls the sensory supply of the foot and lower leg. So, it may also cause muscle weakness and numbness or tingling sensation in the various areas. It might also happen that you feel numbness in one part and pain in the other.
Sciatica itself is not a condition, rather it is a symptom caused by some other underlying pathology such as disc herniation, bone spur, spinal stenosis, etc. It may also be caused by any traumatic injury. So, to treat sciatica, the root cause has to be evaluated and diagnosed properly so that it can be treated properly. Following the diagnosis and proper treatment, lifestyle modifications, a healthy diet, and physical therapy sessions lead to a better and more effective recovery period.
Up to 40% of people endure something like one episode of sciatica in the course of their life. Sciatica is due to compression, inflammation or injury to sciatic nerve, which is the biggest nerve in your body.
More often , sciatica is due to a fissure or herniated inter vertebral disc that is compressing against the lumbar nerve roots. The strain on the nerve roots causes pain that radiates down the leg. But, different conditions can simulate sciatica. So, it is very important that you get examined by a qualified neurosurgeon or a professional before starting any treatment.
Does Sciatica Go Away all alone?: Explained by brain tumor surgeon Dr.Kalyan Bommakanti, M.Ch
Does Sciatica Decrease by itself without surgery?
Sciatica decreases in a majority of patients with a combination of physiotherapy, bed rest and medications. Sciatica is characterized by frequent flare ups if precautions are not adhered to. Bed rest is advised during flare ups but in between flare ups patient is advised to stay active with few activity limitations.
Your treating doctor will determine what’s causing your sciatica, together with him you foster a work-out schedule that permits you to remain dynamic while dealing with your aggravation. You might rest for a little while during severe flares, yet you ought to attempt to fortify your muscles
The fundamental muscles associated with sciatica are the hip flexors and the piriformis, the two of which run from your lower spine to your thigh bones. We might suggest non-invasive treatment that delicately extends these muscles and relax your hips.
Does Sciatica Go Away all alone?: Explained by brain tumor surgeon Dr.Kalyan Bommakanti, M.Ch
What if sciatica comes back?
In any case, assuming the reason for your common sciatica is a slipped or burst plate, we might suggest a surgery. During this basic, minimally invasive surgery, we eliminate the piece of the fissured or herniated disc that is compressing against your sciatic nerve.
Does Sciatica Go Away all alone?: Explained by brain tumor surgeon Dr.Kalyan Bommakanti, M.Ch
Dr.Kalyan Bommkanti is one of the best neurosurgeons in hyderabad and is also one of the best spine surgeons in hyderabad. He received training in endoscopic spine surgeries, also known as key hole spine surgery or minimally invasive spine surgery. He has experience in treating a number of complicated brain surgeries, complicated spine surgeries like complex brain tumors, complex spine tumors, complicated spine fractures, complicated head injuries. He has an extensive experience in teaching junior doctors.
He consults and operates at: (For appointment WhatsApp on 8520003683) Global Gleneagles hospital,Lakdikapul, Hyderabad. Aware Global Gleneagles hospital, L.B. Nagar, Bairamulguda, Hyderabad. Kalyan’s Neuro and Spine clinic, Kharkhana, Secunderabad. Shenoy hospital, East Marredpally, Hyderabad. Prasad Hospitals, Nacharam, Hyderabad.
Brain tumor clinics
For appointment see details below (+91-8520003683). Brain tumors are serious disorders and should be treated as soon as possible. Many patients have a lot of doubts and queries regarding brain tumors, symptoms of brain tumors, diagnosis of brain tumor, surgery for brain tumor, treatment options for brain tumors. Patients also like to know regarding latest and advanced treatment options for brain tumor surgery like intraoperative neuromonitoring, awake craniotomy, ultrasonic aspirator, microsurgery, endoscopic surgery for brain tumors. Dr. Kalyan Bommakanti is a famous neurosurgeon from hyderabad and will try to answer these queries at leisure as a part of brain tumor clinics on you tube live
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Many back pains resolve on their own within three months without any intervention. The majority of back pains can be relieved by back surgery, but it is rarely necessary. Family doctors deal with a lot of low back pain. It is usually treated nonsurgically – such as anti-inflammatory drugs, heat, and physical therapy.
What are the benefits of back surgery?: Explained by brain tumor surgeon Dr.Kalyan Bommakanti, M.Ch
Would you benefit from back surgery?
When conservative treatments are not working and your pain is persistent and disabling, back surgery may be the best option. Back surgery can relieve associated pain or numbness that travels down one or both arms or legs.
Nerve compression may result in these symptoms. Various factors can cause nerve compression in the spine, including:
What are the benefits of back surgery?: Explained by brain tumor surgeon Dr.Kalyan Bommakanti, M.Ch
Disk problems. Bulging or ruptured (herniated) disks – the rubbery cushions that separate the bones of the spine – can sometimes press too tightly against spinal nerves and compromise their function.
Overgrowth of bone. Bone spurs can form on your spine due to osteoarthritis. These bone spurs most commonly affect the hinge joints on the lower part of your spine and can narrow the openings where nerves can pass.
Even if your X-rays show that you have disk problems or bone spurs, it can be hard to determine the exact cause of your back pain. X-rays taken for other reasons often show bulging or herniated disks that do not cause symptoms and may not require treatment.
What are the benefits of back surgery?: Explained by brain tumor surgeon Dr.Kalyan Bommakanti, M.Ch
Back surgeries types
A variety of back surgeries are available, including:
Diskectomy. Diskectomy involves removing a herniated portion of a disk to relieve nerve irritation and inflammation. The back portion of a vertebra is removed in order to access the ruptured disk.
Laminectomy. During this procedure, the bone that covers the spinal canal is removed, enlarging the spinal canal and relieving nerve pressure caused by spinal stenosis.
Fusion. A spinal fusion is the permanent joining of two or more vertebrae in your spine. It is sometimes used to reduce or eliminate painful motion between vertebrae caused by degenerated or injured disks.
Artificial disks. Spinal fusion is an alternative to implanted artificial disks in cases where degenerating or injured disks cause pain between two vertebrae. However, these relatively new devices aren’t available for most people.
Dr.Kalyan Bommkanti is one of the best neurosurgeons in hyderabad and is also one of the best spine surgeons in hyderabad. He received training in endoscopic spine surgeries, also known as key hole spine surgery or minimally invasive spine surgery. He has experience in treating a number of complicated brain surgeries, complicated spine surgeries like complex brain tumors, complex spine tumors, complicated spine fractures, complicated head injuries. He has an extensive experience in teaching junior doctors.
He consults and operates at: (For appointment WhatsApp on 8520003683) Global Gleneagles hospital,Lakdikapul, Hyderabad. Aware Global Gleneagles hospital, L.B. Nagar, Bairamulguda, Hyderabad. Kalyan’s Neuro and Spine clinic, Kharkhana, Secunderabad. Shenoy hospital, East Marredpally, Hyderabad. Prasad Hospitals, Nacharam, Hyderabad.
Brain tumor clinics
For appointment see details below (+91-8520003683). Brain tumors are serious disorders and should be treated as soon as possible. Many patients have a lot of doubts and queries regarding brain tumors, symptoms of brain tumors, diagnosis of brain tumor, surgery for brain tumor, treatment options for brain tumors. Patients also like to know regarding latest and advanced treatment options for brain tumor surgery like intraoperative neuromonitoring, awake craniotomy, ultrasonic aspirator, microsurgery, endoscopic surgery for brain tumors. Dr. Kalyan Bommakanti is a famous neurosurgeon from hyderabad and will try to answer these queries at leisure as a part of brain tumor clinics on you tube live
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