Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure that connects two or more vertebras into a single segment. The core idea is to fuse the bones, eliminate the painful motion, or restore the stability of the spine. This surgery helps in eliminating the painful movement between the vertebras. It also prevents the stretching of the surrounding structures such as nerves, muscles, and ligaments. During this procedure, a bone graft is used to fill and lock the space between the two vertebrae. After the bone is healed, the space between them is filled hence forming a single solid vertebral segment.
Before recommending this procedure, the doctor may prescribe some imaging tests first, such as X-rays, CT, and MRI to pinpoint the source of pain.

Spinal fusion surgery is performed to relieve back pain and many other spinal problems such as:
- Spondylolisthesis
- Herniated disc
- Degenerative disc disease
- Spinal stenosis
- Fractured vertebra
- Tumors
- Scoliosis
- Kyphosis
WHAT IS THE SUCCESS RATE OF FUSION SURGERY OF THE SPINE? : Explained by brain tumor surgeon Dr.Kalyan Bommakanti, M.Ch

Spinal fusion is a surgical procedure with a high success rate as about 90% of the patients report a substantial decrease in pain and functional improvement. The surgery is very helpful in managing back pain that is not going away with any other approach and almost all the spinal problems. The success rate is incredible and patients are very satisfied with the results.
WHAT IS THE SUCCESS RATE OF FUSION SURGERY OF THE SPINE? : Explained by brain tumor surgeon Dr.Kalyan Bommakanti, M.Ch
After the procedure, the patient is kept under observation in the hospital for 3-4 days. During this time, initially, the patient is observed for any kind of reaction to the anesthesia. Then the discharge plan depends upon the physical fitness, emotional stability, and the reaction to the procedure.
Full recovery may take 3-6 months, it varies from patient to patient. Overall fitness, lifestyle, dietary intake, and the physical condition affects directly the healing time.
Dr.Kalyan Bommkanti is one of the best neurosurgeons in hyderabad and is also one of the best
spine surgeons in hyderabad. He received training in endoscopic spine surgeries, also known
as key hole spine surgery or minimally invasive spine surgery. He has experience in treating a
number of complicated brain surgeries, complicated spine surgeries like complex brain tumors,
complex spine tumors, complicated spine fractures, complicated head injuries. He has an
extensive experience in teaching junior doctors.
He consults and operates at: (For appointment WhatsApp on 8520003683)
Global Gleneagles hospital,Lakdikapul, Hyderabad.
Aware Global Gleneagles hospital, L.B. Nagar, Bairamulguda, Hyderabad.
Kalyan’s Neuro and Spine clinic, Kharkhana, Secunderabad.
Shenoy hospital, East Marredpally, Hyderabad.
Prasad Hospitals, Nacharam, Hyderabad.
Brain tumor clinics
For appointment see details below (+91-8520003683). Brain tumors are serious disorders and
should be treated as soon as possible. Many patients have a lot of doubts and queries
regarding brain tumors, symptoms of brain tumors, diagnosis of brain tumor, surgery for brain
tumor, treatment options for brain tumors. Patients also like to know regarding latest and
advanced treatment options for brain tumor surgery like intraoperative neuromonitoring, awake
craniotomy, ultrasonic aspirator, microsurgery, endoscopic surgery for brain tumors. Dr. Kalyan
Bommakanti is a famous neurosurgeon from hyderabad and will try to answer these queries at
leisure as a part of brain tumor clinics on you tube live
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